HRTD Medical Institute

Treatment of Shock

Treatment of Shock details

Treatment of Shock. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. An asymptomatic decrease in Tissue function is called Shock. Shock হচ্ছে একটি life-threatening condition এই অবস্থায় tissue তে রক্ত সঞ্চালন কমে যায়,ফলে tissue function কমে যায় । Common Shocks are Hypovolemic Shock, Cardiogenic Shock, Neurogenic Shock, Traumatic Shock, Burn Shock, Psychogenic Shock, Electric Shock, and Anaphylactic Shock.

Treatment of Shock

Shock is discussed in almost all the courses of HRTD Medical Institute.

Treatment of Shock

The Courses are Paramedical, DMA Course, DMS Course, DMDS Long Course, Nursing, Dental Course, Pathology Course, Physiotherapy Course, Homeopathic Course, Veterinary Course, and Poultry Course. Because it is the most essential topic in Medical Science. First Aid and Primary Treatment of Shock is easy if it is clearly known to us.

Causes of shock

  • blood volume কমে যায়
  • heart এর কার্যকারিতা কমে যায়।
  • Nervous system এর অস্বাভাবিক কার্যকারিতা
  • আঘাত প্রাপ্ত হওয়া।
  • পুড়ে যাওয়া।
  • মানসিক কারন।

Sign and symptoms of Shock

১) Confusion and weakness (সন্দেহ এবং দূর্বলতা)

২) Low blood pressure (hypotension) (heart rate বেড়ে যাবে)

৩) Fast heart rate

৪) Decreased urine output (প্রস্রাব কমে যাবে)

Classification of shock

Shock সাধারনত ৮ প্রকার।

1. Hypovolemic shock

2. Cardiogenic shock

3. Neurogenic shock

4. Traumatic shock

5. Burn shock

6. Psychogenic shock

7. Electric Shock

8. Anaphylactic Shock

First Aid of Shock

Shock এর first aid গুলো হল-

১) রোগীকে আরামদায়ক পরিবেশে রাখতে হবে।

২) সমতল স্থানে বালিশ ছাড়া শুইয়ে দিতে হবে।

৩) মাথার তুলনায় পা উচু করে ধরতে হবে।

৪) Vital sign গুলি দেখতে হবে (শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস, রক্ত চলাচল, তাপমাত্রা)

৫) প্রয়োজন হলে কৃত্রিম শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস বা CPR প্রদান করতে হবে।

৬) রোগীকে হাসপাতালে পাঠাতে হবে।

Stage of shock

Shock এর বিভিন্ন stage গুলি হচ্ছে

১) Initial stage (প্রাথমিক পর্যায়)

২) Compensatory stage (পূরক পর্যায়)

৩) Progressive stage (প্রগতিশীল পর্যায়)

৪) Refractory stage (অবাধ্য পর্যায়)

Hypovolemic Shock

Shock due to decreased blood volume is called hypovolemic shock. There are many causes of blood volume like a cut, any kind of bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, dysentery, cholera, external or internal bleeding, accidental bleeding, etc.

First Aid of Hypovolemic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital

Primary Treatment of Shock in Case of Hypovolemic Shock

The patient should be given saline

Treatment should be given according to the cause

Cardiogenic Shock

Shock due to abnormality of the heart is called Cardiogenic Shock. Common heart diseases are Angina Pactoris, Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Heart Block, Conductive Heart Block, Cardiac Valve Disease, etc.

First Aid of Cardiogenic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital

Treatment should be under a cardiologist

Primary Treatment of Shock in Case of Cardiogenic Shock

Monitoring of heartbeat, Heart Rate, Heart Sound, Pulse Rate, Pulse characteristics, Blood Pressure

Primary treatment for correction of the abnormalities

Neurogenic Shock

Shock due to abnormality of the nervous system is called Neurogenic Shock. Common Neurogenic Diseases are Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ataxia, Bell’s Palsy, Brain Tumors, Cerebral Aneurysm, Epilepsy, and Seizures.

First Aid of Neurogenic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital

Treatment should be under a neurologist

Traumatic Shock

Shock due to any trauma is called traumatic shock.

First Aid of Traumatic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital

Treatment should be under an Orthopedics or Traumatologist

Primary Treatment Traumatic Shock

Cleaning, Dressing, Bandaging, and Splinting if necessary

The patient should be given saline if necessary

Burn Shock

The shock caused by the fire is called burn shock.

আগুনে পুড়ে যাওয়ার ফলে শক হলে তাকে বার্ণ শক বলে ।

First Aid of Burn Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital (Burn Unit)

Treatment should be under a Burn Specialist Or Medicine Specialist.

Primary Treatment of Burn Shock

Carefully Cleaning, Dressing, and Bandaging if necessary

Application of Burn Cream to the affected area of the skin

The patient should be given saline if necessary ( Burn Shock is a Complex Shock )

Psychogenic Shock

The shock that occurs as a result of a change in mental state is called psychogenic shock. For example, shock after hearing news of a death, shock after a plane crash.

মানসিক অবস্থার পরিবর্তনের ফলে যে শক হয় তাকে সাইকোজেনিক শক বলে । যেমন কোন মৃত্য সংবাদ শোনার পর শক, প্লেন মিছ করার পর শক ।

First Aid of Psychogenic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital

Treatment should be under a Psychologist or Medicine Specialist

Primary Treatment of Psychogenic Shock

Primary Psychotherapy according to the cause.

Electric Shock

Shock due to passing electricity through the body is called Electric Shock.

First Aid of Electric Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital emergency

Treatment should be immediate under a registered physician

Primary Treatment of Electric Shock

Body massage. Whole body with special attention to the affected area.

Anaphylactic Shock

Shock due to accessive increase of allergic reaction is called anaphylactic shock.

First Aid of Anaphylactic Shock

The patient should be kept in a comfortable environment

The patient should lie on a flat surface without a pillow

The feet should be held higher than the head

Vital signs should be monitored ( Respiration, Circulation, Temperature)

Give artificial respiration or CPR if necessary

The patient should be sent to the hospital emergency

Treatment should be under a Medicine Specialist

Primary Treatment of Anaphylactic Shock

Steroid Tablet or Injection Immediately if the Hospital remains in a long-distance

General Treatment of Shock

General Treatment of Shock based on the causes of Shock. So, It is clear there should be a doctor for the diagnosis of the disease that causes shock.

HRTD Medical Institute

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